

Elckerlyc International School Klimopzoom 41, 2353 RE

Leiderdorp, NL, 2353 RE

Follow us on Twitter @CoderDojoLeiden

Leiden’s CoderDojo – a free coding club for kids about 7 – 17 years of age. Our aim is to encourage young people to get into computing and to be really good at it!

No prior programming experience is required – if you are honestly interested in computing come a long and try it out! Like all Dojo’s we try to make it relaxed, fun, cool and interesting.

No lectures or classroom approaches here – it’s 100% hands-on coding with the help of volunteer mentors to pass on their knowledge and keep you challenged!

This event is run by volunteers and as such please be nice, patient and if you can help with sponsorship, laptops, mentoring or any other aspect please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Tickets are FREE but if you would like to donate all monies will go back into supplies, venue hire, lunch, etc. for the kids attending – organisers and mentors are volunteers and give of their time freely.

Booking Notes:

  • Bring a fully charged laptop, charger and a packed lunch

  • Ages recommended 7 – 17

  • Bring an adult if you’re under 12. We’ll have plenty to keep them interested.

Interested in CoderDojo? More information at